Monday 29 August 2011

The biggest penis in the world registered medical

!±8± The biggest penis in the world registered medical

There are many high (or should we say long) tales about the longest penis in the world was. The attempt to create a true answer meant that I had to go on deck to find. The information on the web is at best incomplete and at worst out right fabrication.

I found a place that a man with a penis that due to the extremely long amount of blood flowing in the claims of the two chambers of the penis in erection. Led to the fainting problem with him whenever he has an erection due to lackof blood to the rest of the body. This is ridiculous and the nature of a purchase so that it was not possible.

What is the biggest penis in the world is a question that often. The biggest penis in the world was recorded by a Doctor Robert Dickinson. In the early 20 century, has measured the largest recorded penis doctor in the world at 13.5 inches long and was 6.25 inches in girth.

There was still entitled to a bigger penis by Dr. David Reuben in his book"All he knows more about sex." Dr. David Reuben claimed to have measured a 14-inch penis, but it was never independently verified.

Among other things, the largest penalties ever built in China at an amusement park.

The erection of 30 feet as Sky Pillar is at the Shaman Amusement Park in Changchun city Longwan.

Builders wrapped more than 6,500 meters of straw around the steel structure which stands on an altar atop 1,250 ft high Qinlong Hill. I could not understand whyThey built this structure, in the first place, however.

The biggest penis in the world registered medical

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Thursday 18 August 2011

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Monday 15 August 2011

As a young man - 3 tips to do Want to Make Out With You!

!±8± As a young man - 3 tips to do Want to Make Out With You!

How can you be with a guy? I know that most people say, it is only natural, but if you know that the message does not get him to make sense, it is necessary to attract his attention, and there are many ways to do it. The following simple tips you want to do with you:

How can you be with a guy - Tip 1: Touch
Previously, it was touching in order, but was not involved consciously. He should not see with his finger completely. He is involved as soon as it becomes awareThe finger. If both of you know, there's a twist. This is the beginning of the note that many things in you and he also trigger.

For a girl to start something contains a lot of sense for a boy. If he is just a random, then it can come immediately with a thousand things that are not ready to accept. To make sure that your intentions. You may have to go to him slowly. And if not, you can follow your example, theFingers.

For a person who wants more with you, or career, can be very, very slow in following your fingers. I respect his thinking and safely move the fingers from her hair to her neck and then shoulders and hips.

How can you be with a guy - Tip 2: Experience
Both men happen to the same thing and expect the same to bring in experience. You can start by touching it with his lips. It 'a sure way to seduce, but also conveys the depth ofTheir feelings. Enjoy touching cheeks, forehead, hands, shoulders, hands and hug. Might give a hint to your body. It is a light touch, but be safer.

Let the experience to the effect that you want to linger. It 'a question of who keeps his emotions to your stride, things, and even when you're a little' fear or discomfort, you can speed up or move to stop as you want.

How can you be with a guy - Tip 3: Do you consider yourself a smallmore
Now comes the stage really have it. Your breath will say, you can turn on his breath, to say the least. But if what you wanted, then your time. If he has started to reciprocate your kisses, then you can work a little 'light teeth and then work the language.

If he answers, then it should do, and only support wherever he pushes the body or hand a little '. Giving you like and respect him by waiting for him. Obviously it depends onYour assumption about the end times. In any case, it is only wise to take a while '.

As a young man - 3 tips to do Want to Make Out With You!

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Thursday 4 August 2011

Table height and weight for women - How to calculate BMI and Ideal Weight Charts for Women Test

!±8± Table height and weight for women - How to calculate BMI and Ideal Weight Charts for Women Test

Women are more conscious of their appearance. To keep fit and maintain an ideal body weight is necessary to consider the relationship of BMI. Once you know these things it is easier for you to calculate the exact amount of extra pounds, you need to lose.

Tables of ideal weight for women

You can get many of these weight and height chart for women to be online with ease. But remember, in some states you can not apply this table. Those days are gone when the woman is pregnant,if you work through your menstrual cycle, the menopausal stage, etc., these are the cards on the BMI or Body Mass Index. Ideally, BMI 19 to 24.9. Should a woman of average height of 5 meters with weigh 97-127 pounds. Now, with every inch you can add 3 pounds for this area.

You must also know the average content of fat in the body. Bring the ideal value is the best way to preserve the right figure. Body fat determines theWeight you are. 15% to 25% fat is normal. 25% to 30% fat indicates that you are overweight. About 30% of men are obese.

To maintain a healthy weight and get fit, you should consider the following points in the day:

• Following a balanced diet is a must. You need high-fiber diet.
• Avoid fatty foods, junk food, processed foods, sugary foods, etc.
• Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol.
• Leave at least 12 glassesWater per day.
• It takes a natural detox drink every morning, like lemon and honey, maple syrup and cayenne pepper, etc.
• You left as a natural diet suppressants Acai Berry. This is a super-rich in nutrients and plays an important role in maintaining healthy weight. There is also a colon cleanser and an effective anti-aging agent as well.

Table height and weight for women - How to calculate BMI and Ideal Weight Charts for Women Test

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Tuesday 2 August 2011

Offshore Oil Rig Jobs

!±8± Offshore Oil Rig Jobs

While many of the works of plant oil are physical in nature, many of the rig companies go out of their way to ensure your time onboard is nice. For example, employees can see the wings to live in housing to bring 4 or 5 stars - despite the fact that you live in the ocean. While you will be on board of the company usually meet all food expenses, board and laundry, with travel expenses and transfer.

There is anumber of jobs that are available offshore. The range of job opportunities are:

Derrickman Driller, Hand Shaker mudman, Tool Pusher, floor managers or Roughnecks, Motorman, Assistant Driller, crane operator, Roustabout, Cleaner / Painter, Storekeeper, Mechanic / Electrician, Sub Sea Engineer, Rig Mechanic, Rig Electrician, Rig Welder, Engineer Barge, Ballast Controlman or Watch Stander, Captain and Chief Engineer, Rig Medic and Safety Man

Most offshore oil platforms jobsThe demand for a 14/21 day rotation that works for 14 days and 21 / 2 off. This corresponds to about 3 / 5 year on vacation.

In the oil rig industry, there are opportunities for drilling employment and travel in countries like Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, United States, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela, Mexico, Russia, Norway, China, Canada and the United Kingdom.

Typically salaries for attendants and bullies (drill deck workers) areabout U.S. $ 300 per day. Annual salaries to about $ 47,000 will work.

More specialized jobs, such as that of Driller is likely that about $ 56 000 per year, which Toolpushers, Drill leaders and supervisors are likely to earn about $ 75,000 - $ 100,000 per year.

To make entry-level positions usually between $ 50.000 - $ 80.000 per year. Trades, technical and professional positions will probably earn between $ 70,000 - U.S. $ 220,000 foryear.

Life at sea

- You will be issued with safety goggles helmet boots and overalls.

- Maintain a good attitude and because he wanted to concentrate offshore work.

- There are smokers in different parts of a test in which items are delivered.

- For meals you take your equipment to work and eat in the kitchen.

- You need to work the night shift or two, like an oil rig is a 24-hour operation.

- Do not get on the radio operator, doctor orKoch. Helicopters, medical attention and food are very important.

Aboard an oil rig every piece of lifting equipment has a color code - this is an indication that has been tested as safe to use on the last lifting equipment check. Items with the current color code must be used on them.

When working in the oil sector, do not bring alcohol, drugs, guns (any kind) including knives, flammable items, lighters and matches (matchesin the smoking room) when working on energy jobs.

While working aboard an offshore rig off, remove the batteries from electrical equipment before check-in luggage. If it was transported by helicopter your mobile phone can be taken from you before boarding the helicopter.

A number of people who are on board oil rigs working in support roles such as the catering crew and doctors, etc. The following is a summary of what is expected for doctors or physicians. Because ofphysical size of the plants, many of these types of accounts of sole role and you must be able to match with the facilities and resources at the end. In the case of doctors or nurses based on board oil rigs, it may be necessary for the treatment of patients with a variety of diseases and disorders. Problems can arise, because the workers can speak foreign languages ​​on offshore installations on board is crucial for medical staff is able to diagnose the problem quickly and effectively.Generally medical staff will work one of two shifts, either day or night. Their role is often controlling and maintaining stocks of relief, control of drinking water are clean, as well as control of raw and cooked food from the kitchen. They are also responsible for conducting weekly first aid seminars for all workers aboard the oil rig.

Offshore Oil Rig Jobs

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